piloto: J37_Daedallus
Central Rank - OberLeutnant
Central Rank - Leutnant
(05) Wound Badge in Gold
(03) Wound Badge in Silver
(100) Military Merit Cross, 1st Class with Swords (Bavaria)
(15) Iron Cross, 2nd Class
(50) Military Merit Cross, 2nd Class with Swords (Bavaria)
(25) King Ludwig's Cross (Bavaria)
(100) Military Merit Cross 1st Class with Swords (Austro-Hungary)
(06) Iron Cross, 1st Class
Central Rank - Feldwebel
(50) Silver Military Merit Medal on the War Ribbon with Swords (Austro-Hungary)
Central Rank - Vize Feldwebel
(03) Prussian Pilots Badge
(15) Knights Cross of St. Henry (Saxony)
(10) War Merit Cross (Saxony)
(25) Karl Troop Cross (Austro-Hungary)
(05) Military Merit Cross, 2nd Class (Mecklenburg-Schwerin)
(05) Prussian Observers Badge
(01) Ehrenbecher (Cup of Honour)
Central Rank - Unteroffizier
(01) Wound Badge in Black